Friday, December 7, 2012 @ 3:06 AM  0 stares
Hi peeps! :D
Good news! Because some people asked me how to make a navigation like me. Uh,oh,what the navigation type? Look at this picture below!

Nah,are you interested with this navigation type? If yes...follow this tutorial!
Step one,you must open your blog. CTRL + F and paste this code below #navbar-iframe { codes.

.navi { position: absolute; top:0px; right: 4px; left: 230px; width:380px; height:25px; border-radius:5px; position:relative; padding:5px; background: url(URL BACKGROUND); color:#ffffff; font-size:11px; font-family: your favorite font; font-size: your font size;}
Fuchsia: change with your own width. Make sure that its size is not too big! :D
Height: change with your own height.
Blue: change with your own radius.
Red: Paste your background URL
Orange: change with your own font.
Green: change with your favourite font. You can use Google Webfonts if you bored with the font that you use it as usual.

Oh yeah! If you want the navigation is non color for example like white background or whatever you want,you can change the background: url(URL BACKGROUND); code to background: #fff; The bold words can changed by the color codes you want. Twala!

Step three,CTRL + F and search </style> code. Paste this code,below the </style> code. (if you have the header codes,paste it under the HEADER CODES.)

<div class= "navi"><center><a href='URL'>SENTENCE TO NAVIGATION</a> <a href="URL">SENTENCE TO NAVIGATION</a>
<a href='URL' target='_blank'>SENTENCE TO NAVIGATION</a><a href="URL">SENTENCE TO NAVIGATION</a></center></div>

Green: change with the url.
Red: Sentence of the navigation. Ex: affiliates,follow,about me,etc.
If you want to add the navigation options juga type / copy the <a href='URL'>SENTENCE TO NAVIGATION</a>,so also when you want to add more navigation options.

Preview and save!!! Just ask me if you have any problem of this tutorial. 
Have fun and happy trying!