Wednesday, May 30, 2012 @ 7:16 AM  0 stares
Kalau di blog ini biasanya kan,kalau mau nge bold tinggal klik tanda "B" yang ada kan? Kalau kamu lagi edit2 blog kamu,terus,kamu mau nambahin script tebel gimana ya? Kan ga ada tanda "B"? Nah,aku skrg mau ngajarin itu secara lumayan lengkap. Penasaran check it out.

1. Bold Text: <b>TEXT</b>
2. Italic Text: <i>TEXT</i>
3. Underlined Text: <u>TEXT</u>
4. Striked Out Text: <strike>TEXT</strike>
5. Sub Script Text: <sub>TEXT</sub>TEXT
6. Typewriter Text: <tt>TEXT</tt>

To use combination code:
1. Bold and Italic: <b><i>TEXT</b></i>

To change the color of your text:
1. Use <font color="COLOR CODE">TEXT</font>
Click here for color code.

To change size of your text:
1. Use <font size="size number here">
Ex: Sized 3 Text= <font size="3">TEXT</font>

To change the font of your text:
1. <font face="font name here">
Ex: <font face="georgia">TEXT</font>

To add a background color for your text:
1. Use <font style="background-color: #color code here">
Ex: Light Grey Background = <font style="background-color: #f8f8f8">Light Grey Background</font>

Done. Hope you like it.
Any problem? Contact me. :)
